
Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category

Welcome to 2009

Good Morning my friends!

Well the skies may be grey here in Melbourne on the first day of 2009 but new years eve was clear and crisp and cleared our heads for the intentions we have for ourselves for 2009.

I returned from our break down the beach revitalised and inspired and reading the posts of my fellow bloggers about their intentions for 2009 has further inspired me to document and share mine with you.

2009’s Theme Word

Leah posted her word for the year and linked to the idea from Christine Kane. Instead of resolutions choose a word or words that will inspire you for the next 12 months.

My word for 2009 is CREATE here are some of the ways I am hoping to manifest this;

  • Create a community and network of  wonderful friends.
  • Create a business.
  • Create a home with my beloved R.
  • Create a healthier me through new life practises.
  • Create Every Day!

I could of course drill these down to specific tasks but for today I’m going to keep them in big picture status. Keep an eye out over the next few months as I detail the ways I am manifesting my intentions.

Roz’s Ritual

Now I’m sure you all know that I am a fan of Roz Stendahl, her no nonsense approach to art and journaling is an inspiration and her tips and advice about art supplies are extremely valuable.

Yesterday Roz posted about a ritual that she follows every New years day. Based on a discussion with a friend Roz endeavours to do a little bit of everything she loves on New years day with the hope that she will be able to maintain the presence of those things in her life through out the year.

I’m going to expand on that a little and do not only the things I love but the things I intend for my year as well.

What’s your ritual?

So what’s your ritual for the new year? How does your day unfold? do you journal your resolutions and intentions or do you meditate and set the past year free? I’d love to hear how you bring in the new year so please leave me a comment and let our community know how you are intending to bring in the new year.

Have a great 2009! Talk to you all tomorrow!


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I am an avid blog reader, which often happens to the exclusion of creativity. The internet is a wonderful distraction, read the paper,  check facebook (not much happens there), check Io9, find a new art foum and see if it worth some time (most I’ve found don’t hold my interest for long and then check my google reader,

Here is where I get lost. I have 253 subscriptions which have thrown out 1590 posts in the last 30 days. I have NOT read all of these but i have skimmed all the ones in my drawing category.

I’ll maybe share the other random things I read – bookbinding-printmaking and cooking blogs- another day. But today I have thinned my list down to 34 blogs which seems altogether manageable and allows me to subscribe to people who I want to interact with. That’s the new rule – if I can’t be bothered to comment then I shouldn’t subscribe!

What are your criteria for the blogs you read? Do you seek out artists who work in the same medium as you or are your inspirations diverse and from many different fields. I look forward to hearing how YOU thin the herd!

So it’s time to cull, As I thin the herd I’m going to share with you the ones I’ve chosen to keep and why.

christina jonsson – Lovely line work and lovely posts about what she is working on.

http://drawingonnature.blogspot.com/ Joan Y’s Blog – my kind of thing – just drawing whatever takes her fancy.

http://edwardbgordon.blogspot.com One word descibes why this blog is on the list – Light. Edward is a master of capturing light in a scene.

http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/ James Gurney – Illustrator of the dinotpia series. His blog is full of technique tips and wonderful illustrations.

http://makingamark.blogspot.com/ – Kathryn Tyrrel’s making a mark is an invaluable resource

http://www.flickr.com/photos/asnee/ not a blog but the architect and artist Asnee’s Flickr stream.

http://katequicksilvr.livejournal.com/ Cathy Johnston’s Blog is full of tips and musings!

http://apple-pine.blogspot.com/ A recent addition but another person who has the same draw everything urge.

http://blog.lisacall.com/ Lisa Call is a textile artist who constantly inspires with her work ethic.

http://www.creativeeveryday.com/creativeeveryday/ If I were to put these in order of inspiration Leah Piken Kolidas would be at the top. I hope you all sign up to Create every day in 2009!

http://jenniferlawson.blogspot.com/ Jennifer Lawson is currently in Bali sketching out the new experiences she is having there. Wonderful to learn about her new land!

http://rozwoundup.typepad.com/roz_wound_up/ Roz Stendahl’s new blog – this little beauty is packed with information to inspire and educate the visual journaller – don’t hesitate to add this to your own reading list.

http://tina-m.blogspot.com/ The Cycling Artist – Tina – Is another inspiration, I love her studiowaves podcast!

and lastly on the drawing side of things

http://www.urbansketchers.com/ Urban Sketchers – a great way to catch up on the work on lots of new artists who get out on the streets and sketch.

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